How to create a Website

With an increase in technology, having a website affects many aspects of our current life. It’s effects range from business enterprises, educational centers, and even at an individual level. Business are also going online which increases the need of having a website for business. With all these being affected, it is about time you learned how to create website.


Follow these steps to create a website;


  1. Determining your budget

Your budget will play a key role in creating your website. Depending on your budget, you will have to choose between web designer/developer or website builder. When you decide to go for a web designer your budget might go up to around 10,000 INR which can be expensive, but when you opt for a website builder it will cost you 500 INR/ month.

Website builders are gaining a lot of exposure due to having the lesser cost, and greater efficiency. Certain CMS like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress are also popular for creating websites.

So, there are many options. You have to decide which one you should go for as per your budget.


  1. Choosing the appropriate website builder

After selecting your budget, the second most important thing to consider is decide which website builder you will choose, since it is cost effective and as well as efficient. You will need to ask yourself the following questions in order to choose your preferred web builder;

  • What is the purpose of website?
  • Will your website be mobile friendly?
  • Do you have any idea about coding?

After answering these three questions you will be in a good position to choose an ideal web builder.


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  1. Picking a template design

Templates or Themes are in fact core components of a website while using a website builder or CMS. They are building blocks of a website. Depending on your taste and preference, a CMS will provide you with thousands of free/paid templates to choose from.

However, you should be clear with your requirements by asking these questions to yourself while choosing the best template;

  • Which design do you want for the content width?
  • Which design do you want for the home page header?
  • Which design do you want for the menu bar?
  • Which color combination you want to keep on your website?


  1. Content for your website

Another very crucial part of any website is its content. Content can range from the informative articles, professional images to be used and the logos on the website. The purpose of the website can also determine the content to be posted. For professional websites professional articles will be needed, but for the lifestyle and hobby website, it will not require any serious content.

So, content planning depends on the niche of your website. Moreover, content is one of the most important parts of a website because better the content better the search ranking.


  1. The general outlook

The last thing to consider is the general view of your website. An attractive website will have more traffic coming on the website. This is because people will be drawn to it and trend to stay longer. In order for your website to be appealing you need to choose an attractive color and quality images to post on your website. When it comes to images, it is good to get the images designed from a graphic designer to make your site look different from others. Nowadays, to save cost website owners use stock images, but those images are repeated on many sites, so your site will not look unique. But, it will stand out when you have designed your images exclusively for your website.


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When you consider all the above mentioned steps, you will have a fully functional website. You will able to avoid a few costs which you may have incurred in by hiring a designer to choose a template for you.

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